Thing 20 – Presentations

I’ve always like the idea of giving a visual presentation. I did a few of them in college and then last March I gave my first “proper” presentation on Advanced Google Searching for students. With a presentation like this and even one for library inductions the slides were slightly irrelevant as I was carrying out a task eg. conducting an internet search/searching for an item in the library catalogue .

I had guest written a blog post for the LAI Career development group on my thoughts etc. on this presentation. You can read it here and look at the actual presentation: Advanced Google Presentation (1)

Prezi: Prezi reminds me of my capstone project! This was the platform we used and I have mixed feelings on it. One of the girls in my group hated it because the way the slides moved made her feel nauseous – for this reason I don’t really use it incase someone in my audience feels sick!

Slideshare- One of the best inventions since sliced bread!!! I’ve read so many presentations and really believe in information sharing so this one is a win win! A good presentation is easy to spot – it’s engaging, visually appealing and relevant.

There are some great tips on conferences, presentations etc. here from the LAI’s Career Development Group seminar last week. I wasn’t able to attend but if the Tweets were anything to go by it was a brilliant day.

I think presentations are “touch and go” sometimes they work – sometimes they don’t. I had an English lecturer in college who didn’t have any slides –  he just got up and spoke and one could have listened to him all day. On the other hand I had an Anthropology lecturer who’s presentations I still remember as they were short snappy and very witty.

At this stage in my career presentations are just trial and error and you can only learn by doing them!